What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing means just what it says – going “out” to find the “source” of what you need. Outsourcing is the business practice of hiring a second party outside a company to perform Human Resources services that in most cases were performed in-house by the company’s own employees. Companies usually go for Outsourcing to cut on manpower cost internally and increase efficiency. In addition, companies use the outsourcing strategy to better focus on the core aspects of their business.

Outsourcing is also a business of shifting tasks, operations, jobs and processes to a third party externally for a certain period of time, which sometimes not only can reduce cost to the companies, but also benefit of the expertise the Outsourcing company has to run the daily operations on their behalf. In some cases companies benefit from the outsourcing services due to certain restrictions they face if they are operating in other countries and don’t have the legal capabilities the local outsourcing agencies have.

As much as an accurate payroll is important to your business, it’s also among the most difficult and time-consuming functions to handle accurately. That’s why most companies are increasing productivity and revenues by outsourcing payroll to Outsourcing agencies. Picking the right outsourcing company is a key to a successful partnership. BSO follows high standard service that guarantees quality return. We don’t only focus on our clients’ overall requirements but pay close attention to the details. We believe it is critical to manage payroll effectively, which in return brings success to your company and ours.